
Little Blue Door has been designed to promote learning through play.

With 4 unique indoor and 2 unique outdoor spaces and an over-arching mission to develop little minds, our highly qualified team are united around our core values to create lasting memories for our children each and every day.

We passionately believe in the idea of developing little minds. The desire to educate, stimulate and develop children.


We love creating lasting memories with all of our children, making sure that we provide another one of our key values ‘experiences that smile’ and this is never more apparent than when capturing the children’s faces on one of our many off-site trips.


We take your children’s safety at Little Blue Door very seriously. To gain access to Little Blue Door we have a two-stage biometric system.

Upon your child’s first settling in session, we register your thumb prints to give you secure but easy access to Little Blue Door. On request, we can add the thumb prints of additional family members or carers.


We know you might have a few questions, so we’ve summarised our frequently asked questions below

Who is in charge of Little Blue Door, and what experience do they have?

The Principal of Little Blue Door is Lucy Davies. Lucy has more than 20 year’s experience in childcare and is qualified to Level 4. Robert Severn is our Nursery Manager at Chichester with over 20 years childcare experience. Robert holds a BA Honours and Early Years Professional Status. Robert works closely with our Deputy Manager Emily Riall who has worked with Lucy for over 12 years. Katya Deere is our Manager at Westhampnett. Prior to joining Little Blue Door Katya has led Nurseries in Dubai and London and has a wealth of experience in the childcare sector, not to mention, she's a mum of four! Katya is supported by Laura Chamberlain as Deputy Manager. Laura holds a BA Honours Level 6 and a Norland Diploma. Laura is SENCO and the speech and language support specialist for Little Blue door with over 14 years of experience.

What sessions will be available?

We will operate two sessions:
8am - 4pm • 8am - 6pm.

What if I start work before Little Blue Door’s first session and my child needs looking after?

We recognise that an early drop off can sometimes be a big help, so we will be offering an Early Blue Doors session from 7.30am which includes breakfast.

Is Little Blue Door team qualified?

All of our team are qualified practitioners with some holding Level 6 degrees in Childcare. We also love to develop apprentices as they work towards a relevant childcare qualification.

Outside play is important to me, do you have a garden?

We know that outside space is crucial throughout early years development. We benefit from a  private play area and an interactive garden. We hope you will love it as much as we do.

My child’s diet is important to me, what can I expect?

It is important to us too. We will provide a balanced menu of home cooked meals in our own kitchen. If your child has a dietary requirement, please discuss this with your key person when starting, to ensure we can accommodate their dietary needs accordingly.

Will my child be able to experience day trips?

Yes, some of the best learning happens during field trips and we hope to build a really great reputation for the quality of our off-site trips.

Am I able to increase my child’s sessions after they join?

Please email your requirements and we will do our best to accommodate them. All of our sessions are in high demand, so please note that we may not be able to increase your child’s sessions after they have registered. We require you to complete an increased session form.

Do you accept funding?

Yes we accept funded children. Please discuss your specific needs with our team.

Do you charge a registration fee?

There is a registration of £200.00 payable upon submission of your registration form, this payment secures your place at Little Blue Door. Upon receipt of both your deposit and signed application form we will provide you with an email confirming the start date, number and type of sessions per week. Registration fees are non-refundable. In the event that we are operating a waiting list there is a reduced fee of £100 payable to be added to the waiting list. Once a place becomes available the remaining registration fee will be due of £100.

Still have questions?

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